
Police Protection in Copyright, Trademark cases in India ?

TRADEMARK ENFORCEMENT STRATEGIES: In all Metro Cities in India ? TAKING ACTION AGAINST INFRINGEMENT . Talking about report made by Mr Sumeet Basu a IP Attorney.  MARCH 28, 2024 Guide to Trademark Enforcement in India Trademark enforcement helps protect intellectual property rights in today’s interconnected global marketplace. Within the dynamic landscape of India’s burgeoning economy, safeguarding trademarks assumes heightened significance for businesses striving to preserve brand reputation and market competitiveness. UNDERSTANDING TRADEMARK INFRINGEMENT Trademark infringement occurs when unauthorised use of a trademark or a substantially similar mark takes place, leading to a likelihood of confusion/deception among consumers and members of the trade as to the source/origin of the goods/services or leading to the dilution of the original mark’s distinctiveness.  Prompt identification and addressing of the infringement of a registered trademark are crucial for several reasons....